Cutest Blog on the Block

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Power of Words

I was reminded today of the power that words can carry when the right ones are chosen.

My brother wrote these words six or seven years ago and they have brought me and many others a great deal of comfort.

The Rear Guard

By Dean Newton (distributed by his sister Melanie Newton)

Walking back from the temple last week, a piece of music got stuck in my head. As it played over and over, an image formed in my mind…

I stood on a hill, over looking a great battle began. I could see two mighty armies battling with swords and shields, one in bright silver and gold, the other in a dark black and grey. I look down, and notice that I too am clad in armor of silver and gleaming gold. I turn back to the battle. I see the battle sway back and forth, one side gaining ground, and then the other pushing them back.

Finally thirteen horses ride past me, on their way into the conflict. It is my captain, and his twelve sub-captains. Almost immediately the black army starts to lose ground. The Enemy throws everything it has at my Captain, but nothing can slow or stop him as he charges into the fight, rallying our soldiers to him. Then, I see him take a vicious blow from behind: He was betrayed by one of his twelve. He soon rises again, but leaves the field of combat, with a few last commands to his still faithful sub-captains.

Shortly, after the Captain leaves, his sub-captains are forced from the field by overwhelming numbers of mighty Black soldiers. I watch as my fellow soldiers try to hold true to their cause, but with no leader on the field, they fight a hopeless battle. I see them struggle, and I long to help, but I cannot, for I am a soldier in the Lord’s Army, and my orders hold me back. For I am in the Rear Guard, the Last Army of the Lord.

Finally, my company’s commander leads the way into the fray, and the call goes forth “REAR GUARD to the Fight!”

I see the enemy send forth his most terrible soldiers, his most powerful companies, but we are the Rear Guard and we will not fail, for we are the LAST Army of the Lord. We cannot fail, for if we do, there is no one else to come.

Our Captain is behind us as we charge into the fight, his commands hold us strong. We will not fail!! For We Cannot.

Rear Guard to the Front! Into the Battle! Victory! Victory! For our Lord!

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