Cutest Blog on the Block

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Royal Chateau of Versailles

Day 15

What is the biggest most lavish, opulent building you can think of that goes beyond anything we imagine today?  If it isn't it should be the grand and famous castle of Versailles just outside of Paris built by Louis XIV.  It is a place I could not even have dreamed of, even if I had the imagination of Anne Shirley.  I have few words that can express my joy at this house, but we did spend all day there with smiles on our faces and almost not noticing the soreness of our feet.

We awoke and headed out early enough.  It is at least a 45 minute train ride out to Versailles from Paris, but it was comfy and the countryside was green and happy.  Although I may say that it was exceptionally green as everything was soaked through.  It had rained a good bit the night before and was still misty and grey almost all day long.  At one point or two it did even rain.  But not even the weather could have dampened our joy at this fine place.

" Way to go Louis!"
I think that became our catch phrase all day long.

When we first arrived we were among many and did not really wish to stand in line to go in the castle so we went around the side to the back where the gardens larger than the house were located.  They were so fabulous that we did not mind the muddy ground or mist in our face.  We almost considered renting a golf cart to drive around the gardens but they were far too expensive.

These gardens along with the magnificent classical music they play really does transport you back in time to where you feel you are participating in one of the aristocratic tea parties being held by Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.

Anyone for tea?

Cute little cherub riding a sphinx.

Also due to the early hour and the weather we did not have many to fight and shove with crowds.
Greenery as far as the eye can see.

I wonder who designed these, rather whimsical I think.

I loved all the fountains.

These are two statues that have recently been added to the gardens but don't they look just like a pillar should even if the color and material make it modern art.  The French seem to have a fancy for adding the modern the the classic and baroque.

The statues are everywhere and so elegant.

A cute little cave, I wish it had been turned on.

They have musical water shows that are incredibly grand and make me wonder if they did things like that back in the 18th century.

 The Garden of the King

The Fountain of Apollo

After we had spent a lovely two hours in the gardens and then went out to get lunch.  We got some amazing food, very rich and creamy.  The best part is just being able to sit down and enjoy some quiet chatting time.

Once we got back to the castle, it was drizzling and we realized that the line was just as long as it was in the morning if not longer.  It wasn't too bad however because once again we made friends with people in line.  This was a younger married couple who were traveling around Europe.  Between new friends and the speed of the line, the time really did seem to fly.

Can you see the gates and all the umbrellas?

I liked the fake trees and all the gold detailing.

That would be an organ.

This is the house that Louis XIV bought and turned into Versailles.

The Royal Family

There was a portion of the garden that had been dedicated to Aesop's Fables and these goat riding monkeys had been amusingly featured.

An overview of Versailles.

Every ceiling is painted...
Every spot decorated...

The hall of mirrors
I could have remained inside this spot for an entire day.  I would love to have been able to see a sunrise and sunset in that room.  How could you spend a better time.

Artemis the Huntress

I am not sure if this is cool or just plain disturbing, this is an extra hair rack that belonged to Marie Antoinette.  Is that smart or weird?

More modern art...
Now I have found the French see to have a thing with putting it everywhere, even if it doesn't belong. 
The same was true inside Versailles.  Some I can deal with, like these croquette covered lions.
This hanging thing I don't like.  It stands out like nothing else.
One of these things is not like the other! So take it out!

Now this is a replica, but I didn't realize it until I went to the Louvre.
The grand coronation of Marie Antoinette.

Le Dauphin or the prince
His cute little bed.

Enjoying the courtyard.
She is spinning on the slippery tile.
We were happy to leave, but enjoyed every second.

Once we got back to the hostel we realized just how exhausted we were.  We had spent quite a few hours out and about in Versailles at least 5, and even though it was early evening we decided to just relax and enjoy our luxurious and spacious room.  Can't you tell?

No shower curtain, so lots of puddles of water on the floor, no matter what you do.

The view from our window to the courtyard of another apartment house.

Looking at our pictures on the computer.
And being silly...

Cute friends...
And a little silly...

We were much giggly, even tired to the point of too much, but we went to bed quickly and enjoyed the backs of our eyelids.

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